H3 - The HIGHLANDS Project

H3: Xth R&IS (Research & Innovation Session)

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 7th R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), February-March 2025 (1 month) inVietnam(?)

TLSParticipation: Eric Cornut, Sylvie Cornut,...

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 6th R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), November 2024 (1 month) in CaboVerde

TLSParticipation: no

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 5th R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), February-March 2024 (1 month) inMalawi

TLSParticipation: no

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 4.2ndR&IS (Research & InnovationSession), from 2023, September, 6th to October, 5th (1 month) inGreece(Balkans)

TLSParticipation: Liz Wedderburn, Peggy Strankmann, Claudio AntônioPozo, Celeste Bonnet, Mariana Vogg.

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 4.1stR&IS (Research & InnovationSession), from 2023, September, 6th to October, 5th (1 month) inRomania(Carpathians)

TLSParticipation: Jean-François Tourrand (2023.09.06-25, 20 days), EricCornut and Sylvie Cornut (also for VetAgroSup), one month each one.

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 3rd R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), from 2023, February, 26 toApril, 5 (1,25 month) in Argentina(Austral Andes/Patagonia, Central Andes/Mendoza, Northern ArgentinaAndes/Tucuman)

TLSParticipation: Claude Antoine Pozo, Enzo Fasioli, Celeste Bonnet,Jean François Tourrand, and also Eric Cournut for PNR-LF and SylvieCournut for Vetagro-Sup

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 2nd R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), from 2022, September, 11 toOctober, 10 (1 month) in Alps (Austria,Italy, France and Slovenia).

TLSParticipation: Liz Wedderburn, PeggyStrankmann, Carine Pachoud, Mariana Vogg, Claudio Pozo, IbrahimDaoud, Jean François Tourrand

H3- The HIGHLANDS Project. H3: 1st R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), from 2021, September, 25 toOctober, 24 (1 month) in Massif Central, Franceand Catalunya Pyrenees, Spain

TLSParticipation: Carine Pachoud, Marie Opplert, Mariana Vogg,Cassia Kozloski, Sylvie Cournut, Claudio Pozo, Eric Cournut, JeanFrançois Tourrand

FromJune 2021: Building the conceptual model of H3 Platform.Coordination: Valentina/UB-RO & Barbara/KU-PL) in partnershipwith Mabelle (TLS & AUB-LB), starting by what the demands of theusers of the H3 Platform.

From May 2021: Review of diverse existing platforms in order to have abetter idea of the objectives and uses of these platforms.Coordination: Mabelle (TLS & AUB-LB)

2021.06.03-16. H3: 1st H3 Coordination Workshop/Event, 2021, June , 3-16, Saint Remysur Durolle, France


TheH3 Webinar Series

2021.02.24. 5th Webinar: Climate Change in Mountain Areary

2021.02.10. 4th Webinar: Food Studies and Mountain Agriculture

-Presentation: "Promoting traditional mountain foods: acase-study from the West Bekaa and Chouf, Lebanon", by MabelleChedid (TLS, FR & AUB, LB)

2021.01.27. 3rd Webinar: Sustainable Development in Mountain Area

-Presentation of the 3 Highlands.3 research sites: QuartaColônia/Fourth Colony, Serra Gaucha and Serra da Mantiqueira, ByRafaela Vendruscolo (TLS, FR & IFFar) and Mariana Mezzomo (UFSM,BR)

-Presentation: “Potentialities of territorial development withsustainable production and tourism: the case of the FourthColony - Rio Grande do Sul/ Brazil”, by Rafaela Vendruscolo (TLS,FR & IFFar) and Mariana Mezzome (UFSM, BR)

2021.01.13. 2nd Webinar: Natural Protected Areas and EnvironmentalGovernance - Presentation: "Territorial Pact forsocio-ecological Coviability: building a new world to save ourfuture" by Olivier Barrière (IRD, FR), Noémie Cabannes(EPC-CAC, FR) and Rémi Leenhardt (TLS, FR)

2020.12.11. 1st Webinar / Openning Session International Mountain Day

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