* H3: 2nd R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), from 2022, September, 11 to October, 10 (1 month) in the Alps (Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and Slovenia).
* XXIV IGC and XI IRC Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, October 23 – 29, 2021.
TLS Session: "Commons: Old, Current and Future Challenges for Rangeland. What Innovations in Collective Issues to Face these Challenges?"
* H3: 1st R&IS (Research & Innovation Session), from 2021, September, 25 to October, 24 (1 month) in Massif Central, France and Catalunya Pyrenees, Spain
* IUCN World Conservation Congress, Marseille, France, September 3-11, 2021
TLS Session: "Thinking Rangeland as Commons. Debates on Rangeland Socio-Ecosystems and Alternatives"
* 1st H3 Coordination Workshop/Event, 2021, June , 3-16, Saint Remy sur Durolle, France
Objectives: Due to the delay in the H3 implementation link to the Covid pandemy, the objective of this coordination workshop was mainly preparing the 1st R&IS to be held from September, 25 to October, 24 in Massif Central, France (3 weeks) and Catalunya Pyrenees, Spain (1 week)
* 6th RCG - Rural Challenges in Grasslands / Gaucho Meeting - Roda Cientifica Gaucha (online), June 9, 2021
* 5th HIGHLANDS.3 Webinar (online), February 24, 2021: "Climate Change"
* 4th HIGHLANDS.3 Webinar (online), February, 10, 2021: "Food Studies and Mountain Agriculture"
* 3rd HIGHLANDS.3 Webinar (online), January 27, 2021: "Sustainable Tourism"
* 2nd HIGHLANDS.3 Webinar (online), January 13, 2021: "Natural Protected Area and Environmental Governance"
* 1st HIGHLANDS.3 Webinar (online), December 11, 2020: "Openning Session International Mountain Day"
* 5th RCG - Rural Challenges in Grasslands / Gaucho Meeting - Roda Cientifica Gaucha (online), December 9, 2020
* 4th RCG - Rural Challenges in Grasslands / Gaucha Meeting - Roda Cientifica Gaucha (online), June 25, 2020
* XXV Grupo Campos - Reunião do Grupo Técnico Regional do Cone Sul em melhoramento e utilização dos recursos forrageiros da área tropical e subtropical, Santa Maria-RS, Brasil, October 1-3, 2019
* 3th RCG - Rural Challenges in Grasslands / Gaucha Meeting - Roda Cientifica Gaucha (online), September 30, 2019
* International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 8-12, 2019